9 Ways General Counsel Can Survive a Software Audit

Compliance and risk management are considered top priorities by legal departments, yet the mere mention of an external software audit can trigger a sense of panic for General Counsel. In many cases, the software compliance maturity level of the organization is not commensurate with the risk, meaning there is considerable work to do for legal counsel in managing the software audit process. Given the potential for legal exposure including the possibility of litigation, it is imperative for General Counsel to be involved in all software audits from the outset.

Download this white paper for 9 steps that will help you emerge from a software audit with your reputation enhanced, including how to:

  • Always respond to an audit notice
  • Consider outside counsel to work with the internal audit team
  • Handle all the talking from the start
  • Negotiate the monetary and non-monetary settlement terms
  • Ensure confidentiality agreements are in place
  • And more!

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