Best Practices for Automating Treasury Departments

Recent research indicates that the digital revolution is transforming Treasury departments at pace. Four-fifths of Chief Financial Officers believe that the digitalization of treasury processes has become more important in the past three years, and two-fifths have already automated some processes, with many more considering doing so.

As more responsibilities are laid on treasury teams, they are being asked to do more, with less. In some cases automation can help maximize accuracy and minimize costly errors, leaving their skilled financial personnel to deal with value-adding and strategic activities.

However, this playbook is not a rosy manifesto about the benefits of automation. In fact, the treasury transformation process has pitfalls at almost every step of the way from RFP to execution. This playbook is an honest take on the:

  • Use cases that may benefit from automation
  • Pitfalls in the process
  • Best practices to get ROI from the transformation

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