Building a Modern DevSecOps Software Factory

In today’s modern landscape of rapidly changing priorities, new threats, and increasingly high expectations for digital services, government organizations must discover new ways to streamline their delivery of digital applications and systems. Managing the current form of tool chains is complex, fragile, and expensive. Development teams need a clean and modern software factory with a fully functional assembly line.

In a single application, GitLab offers unique value for delivery teams in a common user interface, simplified compliance and auditing, a unified governance model, and more! Additionally, GitLab capabilities create a complete software factory using agile project management, distributed version control, development automation, security scans and reviews, and canary deploys and feature flags. In this report, you can read more about how:

  • Why shifting left isn’t enough
  • How to integrate end-to-end security
  • How to accelerate software delivery without compromising security

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