[CMSWire Webinar] VoC: How to Use Customer Feedback to Fix Problems Before They Happen

Tuesday, September 10 at 8am PST/11am EST

Evolve your Voice of the Customer (Voc) strategy:

It's easy to deliver a better customer experience when you've actually listened to your customers, but surprisingly many businesses miss this critical opportunity.

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics now allow organizations to capture what customers think about your products, services and business at a significantly lower cost.

Join CMSWire, Aspire Customer Communications Services, and OpenText for a live, one-hour webinar to learn how Voice of the Customer (VOC) feedback leads to proactive customer communications and enhanced customer experiences. Understand why VOC analytics should be at the heart of any CX strategy.

Webinar attendees will learn:

  • Why active customer listening is key to improving customer experience
  • How customer feedback helps drive customer communications transformation and mitigate increased call center volume and costs
  • Real-world examples showing how cross-channel VOC analytics that invokes AI can drive the customer experience through omni-channel communications

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