Ebook: Exploring Community-Driven Analytics and BI

97% of executives say their organizations are investing in big data initiatives to become nimble and data-driven. While this top-down mandate has become the norm in today’s business environment, most knowledge workers get shut out of the data conversation — and 39% of them don’t even know what it means to be data-driven.

This lack of understanding stems from the historical relationship between knowledge workers and data. Strategic A&BI leaders must align the data agenda to business objectives if they want to succeed and close the gap.

The best way to do that is to bring business teams into the A&BI process, transforming it into a community-driven effort that extends the value of data, analyses, and insights across the larger business community.

In this eBook, we explore the role of community-driven A&BI in today’s business environment and how data and BI teams can use Sigma and Snowflake to:

  • Fuel more relevant and accurate insights by incorporating each team’s unique expertise into A&BI processes
  • Take a modern approach to data governance that powers deeper collaboration without sacrificing security and compliance
  • Accelerate time to insight and boost productivity by enabling teams to reuse and repurpose analyses
  • Extend the value of data analysis and insight to partners, customers, and industry leaders

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