Empathy, Simplicity, Clarity, and Perspective: Keys to Designing a Positive User Experience

Innovation in healthcare lives at the intersection of business, policy, technology, and design. Delivering innovation that advances each of these areas appropriately, however, can be both challenging and frustrating – requiring a combination of patience and tenacity from product teams and, just as importantly, understanding by the entrepreneurs behind the ideas that initial efforts should focus on delivering the “right” solution, rather than the “ideal” solution.

While your ideal solution may support the optimal experience enabled by today's technologies, the right solution recognizes the present state of the healthcare system and seeks to progressively enhance and evolve it in thoughtful, incremental ways.

It’s a long-run game that can be hugely successful, if you keep a few important things in mind as you’re designing your product or platform.

This ebook from PointClear Solutions explains.

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