The Evolution of SEO in 2019: Why Your Company Needs Change

With increased competition in the marketplace, leveraging the power of digital marketing has become imperative in virtually every business sector. Along with the surge of new technological devices and platforms – from social media sites, e-commerce, video marketing, and smartphones – the number or companies that operate both offline and online has also grown exponentially in recent years.

Still at the forefront of digital marketing tactics, even in today’s world, is Search Engine Optimization… More commonly known to most of us as “SEO.” The use of organic search engine rankings in the business context is no longer in its infancy… For many years, several brands – from SMB’s to big corporations – have been using this tactic to achieve higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPS). The proposition is simple: higher rankings (especially with Google) means higher exposure to your targeted audience. Which is probably why over 93% of today’s Internet researchers use a search engine to look for products and services relevant to their corporate and personal needs.

That all being said, SEO is considered by many marketers to be the most effective tactic to drive organic traffic that converts – either to leads or direct sales – almost immediately. And when converged with other tactics like search engine marketing (SEM / PPC), social media and content marketing, SEO can definitely improve your company’s ROI and brand recognition today!

Check out the infographic below, compliments of Harris Myers, which argues the reasons that your company needs still SEO in 2019, and right ways to go about implementing an SEO Strategy: