How Ocular Telemedicine Can Enhance In-Person Eye Care

As American healthcare goes through a paradigm shift, telemedicine will continue to play a larger role. This has only accelerated because of the pandemic, as your employees and health professionals look for ways to connect without meeting face-to-face. Telemedicine can even assist with vision care, a critical indicator of your employees’ overall health.

Download this white paper now for a better understanding of how telemedicine translates to eye care. You will discover:

  • Key trends in telemedicine use
  • How it can save money for you and your employees and allow for more immediate, personalized care
  • Ways ocular telemedicine can provide support to at-risk patients, improving long-term outcomes 
  • The effects of current legislation on ocular telemedicine reimbursement

While telemedicine for vision care is still evolving, it’s important to start accessing its full potential now. Learn more!

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