Legal at the Speed of Business

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: “The agreement is stuck with Legal. Why can’t they hurry up?”

Legal departments are accustomed to being considered slow. CEB, now Gartner, conducted one of the largest-ever assessments of scope and causes of functional drag. Our analysis—which spanned about 10,000 employees across 10 functions, including over 1,700 legal departments—revealed that business partners find legal departments don’t meet deadlines, don’t have a solution orientation or self-service tools, and aren’t accessible.

Check out our infographic Legal at the Speed of Business to get the full diagnosis of Legal’s speed problem:

  • How $7 million of lost revenue from delayed product launches can be attributed to Legal, and
  • How improving leadership, guidance, and legal processes can help, and the insight you need to build the business case today.

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