Opportunities for Remote Teams in Financial Services

COVID-19 has forever altered the way in which the financial services sector works. What was once a paper-led industry is now digital-first, thanks in large part to the flood of loan applications brought upon by the Paycheck Protection Program. And while finservs are seeing the benefits of cloud-based operations, many are still struggling to adapt to a 2.0 world without proper guidance.

Box has helped 100,000 organizations and nearly 70% of the Fortune 500 roll out FINRA-compliant workspaces, enabling their clients to conduct business entirely through the cloud. This webinar addresses the most common challenges finserv companies face and the capabilities Box has developed to solve for them. Topics include:

  • How the pivot to digital can help streamline the onboarding process
  • Managing FINRA compliance and other key regulations
  • How digital document solutions can crush information silos

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