Secure Your Data Mesh Architecture on AWS

The criticality of becoming a data-driven enterprise is a given. But there are multiple data, security and governance approaches to get there. Which should you choose?

Learn the challenges of implementing a Data Lake and the benefits of a modern Data Mesh approach with AWS. Join AWS Senior Partner Solutions Architect Ayan Ray and Privacera Director of Sales Engineering Lovelesh Chawla. You’ll be privy to a discussion on the importance of implementing a modern unified data security governance platform. Manage, secure, and automate data access, security, and compliance simply and consistently across your entire data mesh on AWS.

No ivory tower. You’ll hear about a real, successful customer journey. Learn from their challenges, and plan for the same big benefits they experienced.

Attendees will learn:

  • Common approaches to enable data-driven organizations
  • Why a data mesh approach on AWS can accelerate your data initiative
  • How to universally secure and govern a modern data mesh

Be data-driven. Secure and succeed. Register today.

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