Data Alone is not Enough

Digital behaviour & interaction data account for the lion share of data being collected on citizens. For example, Adobe processes more than 230 Trillion digital data...

Make the right offer at the right time.

Our guide Reimagine remarketing: Using email and analytics to gain customer loyalty can help you understand consumer behaviour and prioritize what your next big moves should...

Behind Every Great Ad

The world of advertising has become a complex tangle of organisational silos, disconnected platforms, and scattered customer data, turning even the simplest media buy into...

Creative Problem Solving in Schools

In 2017, Adobe surveyed 2,000 educators and education policymakers in the U.S., U.K., Germany, and Japan about their views on a soft skill that’s been getting a lot of...

The Future of Work: The Role of People

Cultivating a culture of lifelong learning is critical as increased use of machine labor and greater technological efficiencies creates new challenges and opportunities. Our...

The Future of Work: Experiences

Leaders looking for bottom-line benefits from technology—and especially, automation—need to be mindful of the experiences they are creating for employees. Our guide,...

Behind Every Great Ad

The world of advertising has become a complex tangle of organizational silos, disconnected platforms, and scattered customer data, turning even the simplest media buy into...
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