The Disclosure Pilot Scheme: The What, How and When

Challenges around the volume, variety and velocity of electronically stored information (ESI) in the disclosure process have conflicted with the civil courts’ overriding objective of dealing with cases justly and at proportionate cost. An attempt to solve the problem was originally made in the 2013 Jackson Reforms to the CPR, but it became clear that this existing framework was not working, as the cost, scale and complexity of disclosure had become disproportionate to the issues and the value of disputes. 

As a result, we have seen the introduction and evolution of the DPS, which has run parallel to rapid adoption of technology into the legal process. 

Download this white paper and learn more about the DPS, including:

  • The evolution of the disclosure process
  • How the Disclosure Pilot Scheme (DPS) affects your practice
  • Criticisms & amendments to the DPS
  • How legal teams can strengthen data-handling procedures
  • 3 ways advanced tech can improve your firm’s efficiency & reduce costs

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