The Modern Legal Practice: Remain Competitive, Secure New Clients and Attract the Best Talent

Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT

Sponsored by: Nuance


Today, the modern law firm looks different than it used to. Yet, the pace of change in the legal sector can be slower than other industries. Indeed the past year has shown how important it is to stay up to date with industry changes and technological advancements but it has not always been an easy job to implement these.

Getting professionals to engage with new technology such as speech recognition can sometimes be challenging.  However, it is essential to manage communications, foster team-work and maintain client relationships. To what extent is technology changing the landscape for your firm? Does your firm have the right solutions?

Join this webcast, as legal experts will discuss:

  • How technology such as speech recognition can help firms improve their internal processes
  • How to build bridges and collaborate with clients by differentiating through efficiency and innovation
  • New workflows and techniques to remain competitive
  • Market trends relating to new talent


Eric La Scola | Manager, Solutions Marketing | Nuance

David Dummer | Global Litigation Lead | Sidley Austin

Janet Sullivan | eDiscovery Counsel & Global Director of Practice Technology | White & Case

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