State of Sustainability in Data Centers — from small on-prem to large cloud and colo operators

The Quest for Sustainability in the Modern Data Center

Sustainability is a word that’s gotten a lot of use over the last decade, especially for environments like data centers that are highly dependent on electrical power for every aspect of operations. According to some estimates, data centers consume 220-320 TWh of power on an annual basis and account for over 100,000 MW of capacity.

It seems obvious that reducing power consumption should be the primary target for sustainability in the data center; however, there are many factors in a complex system like a data center that affect power consumption, sustainability, and overall efficiency.

To get a pulse on the pulse of today’s sustainability movement, we conducted in-depth and candid interviews with a dozen carefully selected data center operators regarding their approach to sustainability. We were able to identify eight key categories where green initiatives are occurring within data centers of nearly every size.

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