Things to Consider Before Designing Custom Packaging

Standard packaging design takes a simple, templated approach. Your brand’s colors and logo are added in certain predetermined areas to a stock box or display. While the simplicity of this approach may seem appealing, the reality is that standard packaging design places huge constraints on the creative process and makes it difficult for your brand to stand out.

Custom packaging, on the other hand, focuses completely on your brand. With a custom-designed package, you begin with a vision of how best to display your product, then tailor the size, shape, material, and imagery of your package to fit that concept. In this case, the design process is a more intense cycle of brainstorming, design, and revision. However, the result pays for itself in the form of a standout package that represents your product exactly as you want your customers to see it.

To make the most out of the custom packaging design process, it’s important to first clarify both your vision and constraints. In this eBook, we’ll walk you through these crucial pre-design considerations so you are fully equipped to achieve your brand’s unique packaging goals.

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