Warehouse Technologies that Create Business Value

With online sales in the U.S. projected to reach $523-billion by 20201, warehouses need to be nimble to accommodate the deluge of goods moving through supply chain networks. Therefore, correcting inefficiencies that bloat operating costs dollars is paramount in order to remain competitive. Although annual spends continue to increase, 65-percent of companies are spending less than $1-million annually on warehouse automation solutions in areas such as inventory control. Warehouses that continue existing manual processes risk falling behind as the era of omni-channel fulfillment, Industry 4.0 and a post-Amazon world continue to redefine digital supply chain automation. This creates the need for fresh perspectives on creating value by running a leaner

However, inefficiencies in warehouses and distribution centers can be difficult to diagnose. This white paper will help you identify common areas of inefficiency and put them in the proper context, so you can learn to understand what potential solutions may be right for your warehouse before implementing them.

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