A Manufacturer’s Guide to Growing Profitably

This eBook and research identify five key factors that growing manufacturers believe contributed to their business growth last year, and five risks that manufacturers believe may prevent or weaken growth in the following year.

Even if you do your best to try to plan for future growth, there will be surprises along the way. This eBook highlights the importance of being able to plan accurately for growth, and suggests areas of your business that you can critique to assess your ability to effectively plan for growth. It also identifies the risk factors and consequences that manufacturers who don’t plan for growth leave themselves open to.

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Get Quality Off Your Back

Today’s manufacturers face new challenges every day, trying to maintain quality in a world where new products and technologies evolve virtually by the minute. Staying competitive means churning out great product at great speed, without the risk o…

Laser Focus World

Laser Focus World is a monthly magazine for engineers, researchers, scientists, and technical professionals providing comprehensive global coverage of optoelectronics technologies, applications, and markets. Each month LFW reports on and analyzes the l…

Report: For Manufacturers, ‘Configure-Price-Quote’ Isn’t Just a Sales Challenge…

Many sales teams are turning to Configure-Price-Quote (CPQ) software to solve front-end challenges, but for manufacturers, CPQ’s ability to merge front- and back-end processes has redefined relationships across the organisation. Get the Cincom white paper to see CPQ’s role in helping customers find the right product and helping manufacturers make the product right. Get the white paper today!

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