Introduction to OKRs

There’s no question that the goal-setting methodology OKR (Objectives and Key Results) helps companies achieve substantial goals—just ask Google, LinkedIn, and...

6 Barriers Blocking Your Success

What's holding you and your organization back from achieving true innovation? Is a lack of learning prohibiting your technical employees' productivity and innovation?Learn...

Open Enrollment, Reimagined

Build a better Open Enrollment using our seven marketing tips and advice from a top benefits leader.Want your people to pay more attention to Open Enrollment? This season,...

Guide to Smarter Health Plan Design

This guide gives you the practical, actionable steps your team needs to create next-generation health plans that make sense for your business and your people.This guide walks...

The New Manager Mindset

So you’re a manager, or at least you want to be, and you’re looking for a good roadmap to help you prepare. If you want to be the kind of manager people really...
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