Digitalization for Brands and Retailers

It’s time for brands and retailers to get back to basics:
to focus on achieving sell-through at full price, optimizing
processes, reducing operating costs and getting the right
products to the right market at the right time. ‘Back to
basics’ doesn’t mean abandoning technology – quite the
opposite. Investment in modern back-office technologies
is crucial to achieve these goals. Companies with a strong
technology base also attract a generation of employees
used to instant global communication and seamless
digital experiences

How do you decide which digital technology will have the
most positive impact on your business? Whether you’re
just getting started with digital transformation or adapting
your current digital setup, we suggest a 2-step strategy.

Step 1: Is a time for reorganization, developing a tactical agenda that focuses on fundamentals and shortterm

Step 2: Then involves more elaborate actions and sophisticated investments in technologies that will make
your company stand out against competitors.

To help you get started, this guide provides an overview of
different types of enterprise systems, how they enable digital transformation and which tech should come first as your digital foundation to set your company up for success.
These are the most common solutions brands and retailers
invest in to make work easier, grow profits and keep up with the competition.

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