Key Challenges & Opportunities in the Process Scale-Up of Oral Solid Dosage Forms

During the life cycle of new chemical entities (NCEs), there will inevitably come a time when scaling up of a manufacturing process is required to get a drug product on the market. Choosing the right manufacturing process for oral solid dosage forms can be a challenging task as there are several different manufacturing technologies and approaches to consider. Evaluation of the different approaches and manufacturing technologies is also key to discovering potential opportunities to accelerate the scale-up process.

In this webinar, industrial and academic experts will share insights into faster drug product manufacturing in a large-scale setting and discuss the upcoming trends in oral solid dose form manufacturing as well as strategies to ensure that quality is built into manufacturing processes. 

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understand key technical considerations for the most common OSD processing and manufacturing methods
  • Discuss approaches to establish and streamline OSD manufacturing design space
  • Discover solutions to manufacturing challenges through case study examples

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