Promoting Diversity & Inclusion Through Mentoring & Sponsoring

Mentoring and sponsoring are key tools for retaining talent and promoting diversity. Mentorship and sponsorship programs help organizations thrive through building trust, expanding networks, improving communication, increasing visibility, and fostering more inclusive teams.

If retaining talent and promoting diversity in the workforce is a goal for your organization, it’s critical to take a systemic approach that starts with a focus on equity. Helping people of all identities and backgrounds feel supported, valued, and engaged through an intentional mentorship and sponsorship program is a great place to start.

Learn how mentoring and sponsoring can help attract, retain, and advance talented employees — including leaders of color — with our free guide and workbook. With resources for senior executives, HR departments, team leaders, and individuals at every stage of their careers, it offers insights on:

  • The difference between mentors and sponsors, and why both are needed. 
  • How to recognize unconscious bias and barriers to equity. 
  • Ways senior leaders can act as allies and use their influence to advocate for and with talented colleagues, particularly members of differing identity groups. 
  • Tips for executives and HR teams seeking to promote diversity, retain talent, and build their pipeline of leaders through formal or informal organizational mentoring programs.

Use these resources and commit to advancing equity and promoting diversity in the workplace. Together, we can help increase advocacy, support inclusion, and create more opportunities for talented leaders everywhere.

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