Avoid Hidden Costs of ADFS

For over a decade, Microsoft has offered ADFS as the answer to extending enterprise identity beyond the firewall. But building a deployment of the ADFS toolkit requires several...

Gerenciamento e Análise de Dados

     Navegar com sucesso pelas águas incertas da mudança neste novo momento de transformação dos dados requer a capacidade de tomar decisões rápidas e reagir prontamente....

Gestión de datos y análisis

     Para navegar con éxito las peligrosas aguas del cambio en este momento disruptivo de la transformación de datos se requieren decisiones y reacciones rápidas. Cisco...

Data Management and Analysis

     Successfully navigating the perilous waters of change in this disruptive time of data transformation requires rapid decisions and reactions. Cisco and Microsoft have...

Extending Active Directory to Office 365

Since its launch in 2011, Microsoft’s Office 365 has quickly become the collaboration software of choice for many organizations. However, the top concern for many adopters...
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