2015 PAN Assessment Use Report

Assessing potential is a difficult task, but is becoming more important than ever. Hiring or promoting the wrong person can be costly both in terms of your bottom line and for team morale. Not only is it important to hire the right person, but retaining the right employees is essential because the cost of replacing someone can be up to 150% of a person’s salary.

The 2015 PAN Assessment Use Report breaks down how the use of assessments in 6 different industries can help mitigate these concerns. Discover the top assessments in industries including:

  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Healthcare
  • Finance and Insurance

Aberdeen reports 64% of employees meet performance goals in companies that use assessments, compared to only 38% in those who don’t use assessments. Download this whitepaper to learn which assessments you should use so you can obtain employees who meet their performance goals!

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