JSF 2.0 Programming Cookbook
JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a Java specification for building component-based user interfaces for web applications. JSF 2 uses Facelets as its default templating system. Other view technologies such as XUL can also be employed. In contrast, JSF 1.x uses …
Microsoft 70-685 PRO: Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop Support Technician (FREE Study Guide)
Identifying Cause of and Resolving Desktop Application IssuesIdentifying Cause of and Resolving Networking IssuesManaging and Maintaining Systems That Run Windows 7 ClientSupporting Mobile UsersIdentify Cause of and Resolving Security IssuesRequest Free!
Microsoft 70-410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 (FREE Study Guide)
Microsoft 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 (FREE Study Guide)
Microsoft 70-686 PRO: Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop Administrator (FREE Study Guide)
The six major topic areas that make up the Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise PRO 70-686 certification exam are:Planning and Managing a Client Life Cycle StrategyDesigning a Standard ImageDesigning Client ConfigurationsDesigning a Windows 7 Client Deployme…
Microsoft 70-411: Administering Windows Server 2012 (FREE Study Guide)
Microsoft 70-680 TS: Windows 7, Configuring (FREE Study Guide)
The number included indicates the weight of each section of the exam. For example, 14% of the exam’s weight will be placed upon the topic of Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows.• Installing, Upgrading, and Migra…
Microsoft 70-685 PRO: Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop Support Technician (FREE Study Guide)
Identifying Cause of and Resolving Desktop Application IssuesIdentifying Cause of and Resolving Networking IssuesManaging and Maintaining Systems That Run Windows 7 ClientSupporting Mobile UsersIdentify Cause of and Resolving Security IssuesRequest Free!