8 Ways to Trim Your Budget

If you’re a Local Exchange Carrier that’s poised for growth but has a keen eye on cost control (who doesn’t?), there are a number of ways you can both conserve existing network costs and control your budget as you attract new business or expand into ne…

Vodafone: Cutting Labor Costs 30% Through Shared Service Centers and SAP Software

In a program called EVO, the largest business transformation it has ever conducted, Vodafone introduced a common operating model enterprise-wide for finance, HR, and supply chain operations supported by a single IT platform – SAP® software. Under this program, 70,000 users in 21 countries take a uniform approach to the conduct of business by following the same end-to-end business processes, developed for optimum efficiency.

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8 Ways to Trim Your Budget

If you’re a Local Exchange Carrier that’s poised for growth but has a keen eye on cost control (who doesn’t?), there are a number of ways you can both conserve existing network costs and control your budget as you attract new business or expand into ne…