2016 Imperatives: Stay Ahead of the Data Deluge

In February 2010, The Economist, published a landmark edition entitled “The Data Deluge” with numerous articles covering exponential data growth and implications for organizations as they proceed through the digital age. Veritas is pleased to host an exclusive live-streaming event for The Data Deluge’s five year reunion. New York Times bestselling author of “Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think” and original contributor to “The Data Deluge”, Kenneth Cukier, joins us to reveal how some organizations have leveraged the “Deluge” to cultivate new forms of competitive advantage, while others have been buried beneath its force.

Veritas will also present new findings from its proprietary Data Composition Index. This aggregate report of attributes from tens of billions of files provides a definitive look into the types of information that organizations store. With this insight into global organizations’ data, Veritas has built a unique vision for unstructured data management. We will share that vision alongside new product release announcements for our Information Governance portfolio.

Date: Thursday, February 11, 2016

Time: 8 AM PST / 11 AM EST / 4 PM GMT

Duration: 45 Minutes

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