Five Reasons for Moving Off Excel for Consolidation and Close

Even a small amount of growth can make a once simple financial close process aggravating. Major changes can cause hair-tearing frustration, and change is the new norm. The flexibility of Excel becomes fragile and brittle after years of formula tweaking by different people. Time is spent providing increasingly more reports for each group in the organization – showing information sets in their own special way. The Financial Close and Consolidation process slows to a crawl as data accuracy is called into question or the auditors look for more detail.

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VDI Picture Book

This Picture Book demonstrates the difference between conventional, LUN-based storage built for physical workloads and VM-aware storage built for virtualized applications. You’ll see how few steps (and how little time) it takes to manage storage at the…

APM Comparison

 This 1st quarter 2016 product comparison zeroes in on the performance monitoring features of 15 Application Performance Monitoring (APM) software products plus the latest software updates.  This product guide allows you to quickly …

The Six Factors of Storage

And so, more often than not, it’s easiest to default to a well-understood metric that can be applied across solutions—such as cost-per-gigabyte. But that number represents just a fraction of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Read the six factors you need to consider when figuring out the TCO of your storage solution and suggestions on how to think through—and even measure—each one.

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Apache HTTP Server Cookbook

The Apache HTTP Server, colloquially called Apache, is the world’s most used web server software. Originally based on the NCSA HTTPd server, development of Apache began in early 1995 after work on the NCSA code stalled. Apache played a key role in the …