Bar Business Magazine

Since 2008, Bar Business has been providing owners, operators, and managers the opportunity to find out what is going on in the nightlife industry, and more importantly, how to benefit from it all and better their own business. We are the “How-to” resource for the nightlife industry, with nearly 100,000 qualified readers nationwide.

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Workforce Planning Pitfalls

Executing talent management activities before they’re needed is an earmark of a successful business. With aging workforces and a shortage of critical talent being among the biggest challenges facing today’s businesses, strategic workforce planning – the discipline of forecasting future gaps between demand and supply of critical talent, to ensure that you have the appropriate workforce mix three, five or ten years from now – has become one of HR’s most important responsibilities.

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HR Strategies: Best Practices for Meeting Today’s Top Challenges

In the course of working with hundreds of companies across the globe – as well as thought leaders throughout the HR industry – we’ve learned what works, what doesn’t, and what’s most important when it comes to keeping up with HR trends and technologies. In this document, we’ve pulled together relevant research and advice based on both expert research and the experiences of our own customers.

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Bring Your Own Data

Today, relying solely on data residing within your firewall is not good enough to keep up with the competition. BYOD is all about rolling up your sleeves and working with data from multiple sources.Request Free!

HR Strategies: Best Practices for Meeting Today’s Top Challenges

In the course of working with hundreds of companies across the globe – as well as thought leaders throughout the HR industry – we’ve learned what works, what doesn’t, and what’s most important when it comes to keeping up with HR trends and technologies. In this document, we’ve pulled together relevant research and advice based on both expert research and the experiences of our own customers.

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