Online Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking – FREE Video Training Course

No longer will money have dominion over our ability to learn. Anyone who wants to become a penetration tester, now has the opportunity to learn to do so with this free course.

The need for capable ethical hackers is a global need. Ethical hackers are “white-hat” hackers (aka the good guys) that penetrate secured systems to highlight flaws and weaknesses in a system. They help government agencies, private businesses and public organizations identify what is secure and what needs to be fixed. If the idea of hacking as a career excites you, you’ll benefit greatly from completing Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking video training course.

Learning objectives include:

  • Intrusion Detection
  • Policy Creation
  • Social Engineering
  • DDoS Attacks
  • Buffer Overflows
  • Virus Creation

Total Course Duration: 13 hrs, 26 mins

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How Trustworthy Is Your Certificate Authority?

The choices available for picking out a certificate authority to issue SSL certificates can seem dizzying for the typical web operations team. With so many different CAs operating with essentially the exact same underlying cryptographic technology, it might well seem like these certs are a commodity item best purchased based on price point alone. And now that there are organizations offering free certificates as well, the big question is whether cheap—or free—is really worth it.

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