Solve Your Top 5 CIO Communications Problems, Fast

Download the eBook, “5 Biggest CIO Communications Problems, Solved”, to learn how Office 365 enables businesses to find and maintain their competitive edge, while solving for these common pain points:

  • Change disrupts business as usual
  • It costs time and money to implement new solutions
  • Incompatibility can wreak havoc
  • The risks seem high while the benefits are unclear
  • Need a solution that addresses my teams’ unique needs

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Bridging the Communication Gap Between CFOs and Their Security Teams

Your enterprise’s security issues are not solely the responsibility of the Chief Security Officer. Business decision makers like CFOs are responsible for managing risk, and cybersecurity should be top of mind when it comes to protecting an organization’s financial assets. In fact, the average consolidated total cost of a data breach in 2015 was $3.8 million—a 23% increase since 2013.

Many CFOs don’t know what to ask their security teams, to help them get what they need to protect their organization. Looking at everything from budget concerns to the financial efficiency of BYOD policies, we’ve compiled five key questions that CFOs (and business decision makers alike) can use to start the conversation with their CSO and build a fully supported security plan.

Opening the lines of communication between you and your security team is the first step to improving your security plan. Learn how through our free eBook.

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The Office 365 Test Drive

It’s a quick and easy way to test drive new enterprise capabilities, including: advanced collaboration, analytics, and security features.Step through common enterprise scenarios to see how Office 365 can support your business needsSee the latest in-pro…

Secrets to Productivity, Work/Life Balance and Success

If you occasionally feel out of control, are unable to focus or prioritize, lack the work/life balance you want, or notice that you’re often too tactical vs. strategic, these tips are for you.

In this book by Matt Heinz, you’ll find specific things you can start doing right away to take back more time and increase your work/life balance including:

  • Tips to Make Yourself Efficient Right Now
  • Beating Procrastination
  • Achieve “Inbox Zero” in 60 Minutes Or Less
  • Ways to Tackle The Biggest Time Waster In Your Business
  • And Much More!

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Secrets to Productivity, Work/Life Balance and Success

If you occasionally feel out of control, are unable to focus or prioritize, lack the work/life balance you want, or notice that you’re often too tactical vs. strategic, these tips are for you.

In this book by Matt Heinz, you’ll find specific things you can start doing right away to take back more time and increase your work/life balance including:

  • Tips to Make Yourself Efficient Right Now
  • Beating Procrastination
  • Achieve “Inbox Zero” in 60 Minutes Or Less
  • Ways to Tackle The Biggest Time Waster In Your Business
  • And Much More!

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