Your Employees May Be Under Attack From Cybercriminals

Cyber attacks are real. Every card swipe, social media post and online transaction can put employees at risk. In fact, 12.7 million consumers fell victim to identity fraud in 2014. While most employers provide employees with protection for healthcare, accident and illness, many employees are missing protection for identity theft.

Employers can now add value to their benefit package and help keep employees protected while on the job. This means less downtime and more productivity in the workplace. You can now protect their personal information – at no cost to your business.

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4 Strategies to Fast Track Your Data Governance Program

You know data is a strategic asset for your business. And data governance is key to making it accessible and trustworthy. But the road to data governance can be confusing. Where do you start? Read our eBook to learn:

  • Why data governance takes a village
  • How to justify – and quantify – the investment
  • Why technology is key to keeping your initiative moving forward

You’ll uncover four ways to start your data governance program on the right track from the start.

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Cashing in on Employee Benefit Programs

How do you settle on that perfect “something extra”? Something that provides real value, demonstrating sincere appreciation, or even driving revenue? Something that can be implemented and administered easily, without a lot of overhead?

Now the growing focus on ID theft protection reveals a new service opportunity. Download now and find out how this out of the box idea maintains employee loyalty, protects your brand and gets business back up and running as soon as possible.

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Identity Theft Protection Guide

In an always-on, ever connected world, the risk of identity theft is real. There is a new identity fraud victim every two seconds. In fact, there were over 13.1 million U.S. adult victims of identity fraud in 20151. Identity fraud can damage your finances, credit and reputation. Thieves can get a new car, home, line of credit, even a driver’s license in your name.

LifeLock identity theft protection helps safeguard against identity fraud by monitoring millions of transactions per second provide services that remediation-only or credit monitoring-only services don’t offer – with no benefit deductible or service co-pay.

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