Measuring the Value of Expert Content in Higher Education

Expert content programs work. Of course, you probably already know this.  They are one of the best ways to engage a range of audiences from prospective students to media, alumni, donors and corporate partners. But, do the rest of your colleagues understand how expert content drives results for them? 

To make the most impact, it’s important to assess the needs of your internal stakeholders across the organization. These are the subject matter experts who can help you answer the important questions such as, “What purpose does our faculty & staff content serve?” and “Why is it here?”

With no clear goal for content, there’s no tangible way to measure success.  In the end, you want content that is well organized, engaging to audiences and inspires the right actions. 

So how do you get there? 

In this eBook, we outline the necessary prep work required to simplify the process of identifying your experts, getting buy-in and budget, and rolling out your expert content program with immediate and measurable results.

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Operationalizing Engagement in Finance

New projects and processes in finance can be hard enough to roll-out without having to worry about whether your team will support it. After all, we’ve all heard the statistic from Gallup – 70% of change initiatives fail. Read this whitepape…

Measuring the Value of Expert Content in Higher Education

Expert content programs work. Of course, you probably already know this.  They are one of the best ways to engage a range of audiences from prospective students to media, alumni, donors and corporate partners. But, do the rest of your colleagues understand how expert content drives results for them? 

To make the most impact, it’s important to assess the needs of your internal stakeholders across the organization. These are the subject matter experts who can help you answer the important questions such as, “What purpose does our faculty & staff content serve?” and “Why is it here?”

With no clear goal for content, there’s no tangible way to measure success.  In the end, you want content that is well organized, engaging to audiences and inspires the right actions. 

So how do you get there? 

In this eBook, we outline the necessary prep work required to simplify the process of identifying your experts, getting buy-in and budget, and rolling out your expert content program with immediate and measurable results.

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