Sales & Marketing Alignment Checklist

Research proves that those organizations that document service level agreements (SLA) between sales and marketing are more successful. The following common SLAs provide clear guidelines for collaboration. How many does your organization use? Reque…

B2B Sales & Marketing Collaboration Study

It’s common sense that organizations that rally together around shared goals will drive more efficiency than those where different functions are at odds with each other. Yet, most sales and marketing teams struggle with achieving t…

Employee Advocacy Impact Study (2017)

LinkedIn reports “In an average company, only 3% of employees share company-related content but they are responsible for driving a 30% increase in the content’s total likes, shares, and comments.” The Marketing Advisory Network set ou…

A Framework for Persona Optimization

An industry-wide benchmark study of B2B organizations found that those who exceed revenue and lead goals are more effective at creating, using, and consistently maintaining personas than companies who miss these targets.  From these core findin…