The Burden of Diabetes in America

Since 1980, diabetes prevalence has increased from 3.5% to nearly 10% of American adults. Ironically, much of this increase is driven by a public health success story: the disease is not as deadly as it once was, so diabetics are living much longer, driving up overall prevalence—and costs.

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The Role of RTK in the Autonomous System Sensor Suite

Autonomous systems are no longer the distant future— today these systems are navigating around our streets and within our backyards. Despite their increased prevalence, these systems have technological hurdles to overcome as inclement weather, urban canyons and other non-ideal conditions can bring them to a standstill. A key to addressing these challenges is improved sensor synthesis within the autonomous sensor suite that mitigates the limitations of individual sensors. This white paper will explore one sensor, a multi-band, multi-constellation Real-Time Kinematics (RTK) GNSS receiver, that demonstrates the strength of RTK within the autonomous vehicle sensor suite. Specifically, the distinct advantages of Moving Baseline RTK and RTK-Based Heading—two hardware setup configurations that are significant to autonomous systems—will be highlighted.

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The Ultimate Guide To Candidate Experience

For 2018, we’ve put this feedback into action, providing step-by-step instructions for every step of the candidate experience, from job posting to job offer. You’ll learn:What makes a good vs. great job description (that also earns 3x more qualified ap…