Enterprise DBAs on Flash — Real Stories

Tech pros seek insights and share unvarnished opinions in independent forums all over the web. That’s where this Real Stories project & research started. This report is drawn entirely from Pure Storage Real Users’ words, observations and experiences. All Stories are used with permission.

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All-Flash Data Centers for Dummies

Read this Dummies book to learn:How to contain your storage costsAttain storage simplicity and manageabilityWays to achieve scalability and agilityReasons you need all-flash storageRequest Free!

Behavioral Science for Healthcare Marketers

Behavioral health tactics used by pharmaceutical marketers have come a long way in recent years, Medical Marketing & Media’s Kevin McCaffrey finds. Read these four case studies of the novel approaches used by pharmaceutical brands to change be…

Best Practices for Designing Smart, Connected Products and Driving Business Outcomes

In this white paper, Best Practices for Designing Smart, Connected Products and Driving Business Outcomesyou’ll discover:

  • Five critical smart product design challenges
  • How product designers manage complex trade-offs between size, weight, energy efficiency and/or thermal buildup, which are a function of adding electronic components for increased functionality
  • Seven digital engineering applications that are crucial to designing successful smart products

Engineering simulation has emerged as a critical capability that separates the leaders from the followers in the fast-paced, highly competitive world of smart product design. Simulation is key to visualizing every aspect of performance, understanding the relevant design trade-offs, and arriving at design decisions that marry innovation with cost control, reliability and reduced time to market.

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Aufbau leistungsstarker Teams

Gute Teamarbeit ist für jede größere Organisation von entscheidender Bedeutung. Vorgesetzte müssen nicht nur alle Positionen mit den richtigen Mitarbeitern besetzen, sondern auch dafür sorgen, dass diese gut zusammenarbeiten. …