Creating the Next-Generation Data Center

In the face of today’s business demands, virtualization is just the start, converged infrastructure doesn’t cut it and hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) isn’t much better. So what options are left?

Creating the next-generation data center urges you to look beyond traditional HCI to a solution that’s far more flexible, scalable and cost-efficient, and our eBook gives you the perfect starting point.

Read on to explore the limitations of traditional data centers and how advanced HCI technology holds the key to constructing the next-generation data center.

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Improving open enrollment communications

The majority of employees don’t understand the benefits their company is offering, making it very hard for them to select the right benefits plan for their needs. Here are some tips on how you can make Open Enrollment a more successful event for everyo…

6 HR compliance challenges to track in 2018

Compliance. It’s not sexy. It’s not a hot topic or the latest buzzword. And it’s definitely not simple. But it is an extremely important responsibility for HR and Finance professionals, particularly in a constantly changing …

Evaluating HR Technology Vendors

Whether you are buying new HR software or replacing an existing system or systems, the decision is not one made on a whim. And with good reason – HR technology impacts the central processes of your entire organization. Before you make a purchase, it i…

The Business Value of HR Technology

According to the 2017 Lighthouse Research & Advisory, 86 percent of of companies experienced benefits or payback from their HR technology within 12 months. Find out what else participating leaders had to say about the benefits a solution like PeopleStrategy eHCM can bring to your organization. Download our free eBook today!

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