5 Steps for Ransomware Prevention

As the world increasingly goes digital, a subsequent increase in ransomware attacks is costing companies billions of dollars in damages. Several high-profile ransomware attacks, including incidents involving critical infrastructure, underscore the severity of the threat and why your organization should take steps to protect its assets, customers, and reputation.

As the name suggests, a ransomware attack happens when cybercriminals gain control of an organization’s data and deny access until they receive a ransom payment. While every form of cyberattack can prove costly and frustrating, forcing a company to pay a ransom to access its own data can be particularly infuriating. These five steps can reduce the chances of a ransomware attack and mitigate the impact of a breach:

  1. Educate employees on the signs of ransomware.
  2. Use multi-factor authentication (MFA).
  3. Keep antivirus and anti-malware software up to date.
  4. Enforce user-based access to company data.
  5. Routinely backup your data.

Ransomware attacks take advantage of organizational complacency. Securing critical data and preventing others from assuming control requires a multi-pronged approach. While investing in a robust security program will not stop every attempt, every layer of security your organization adds increases the likelihood that a cybercriminal will divert their attention to less secure targets. Save the full checklist and take action today to prevent ransomware from finding a foothold at your company.

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