A Breakthrough for Health Systems: Multi-Cancer Screenings

Today just five cancers are recommended for screening, meaning 71% of all cancers, including pancreatic and liver, are typically detected at Stage 3 or 4. What if we could screen for up to 50 different cancers with a single blood test? That’s the idea behind multi-cancer early detection (MCED). The new screening tool is designed to support — not replace – current guideline-based screening tests.

Early cancer detection could have a transformative effect on treatment options. Research shows MCED could not only increases patient screening adherence but also supports health care system business goals. This playbook examines MCED implications, offering insights on:

  • Latest research findings on MCED implementation, like how it changes the public’s perception of the health care system 
  • 5 key MCED questions and caveats every leader should consider prior to implementation
  • 4-step strategy to win MCED acceptance and adoption across medical staff and patients

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