Mobility is on the Rise: Are You Keeping Up?

Does your work environment look anything like that of the popular TV sitcom The Office? Probably not. If your company is like most businesses, it’s highly unlikely you see coworkers regularly communicating face to face. And there’s a good chance those types of meetings will continue to decline, according to the latest statistics.

So what have you been doing to help your company adjust to this evolving workplace? If your answer is “not much” or “a few tweaks here and there,” you could be missing out on significant opportunities to generate efficiencies that could impact your company’s bottom line.

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Policy Secure for Unified Access Control

Although the transition to a mobile network presents challenges, it also offers an opportunity for businesses to streamline and simplify their network, improve employee productivity, and reduce operational costs and risk. Pulse Secure enables identity, role, and device-based access control in a Simply Connected network. Whether you want to unify your wired and wireless network or optimize your Juniper deployment, the Pulse Secure solution will enable your move to the mobile network. Juniper’s unified security and policy control “simply connects” as it protects and manages users, their devices, and their access from any device, anywhere.

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When Your Data is In the Cloud: Who Has Jurisdiction?

Once slow to adapt, attorneys are turning to the cloud — 65 percent of large law firms and 40 percent of small ones use secure, online file sharing.

Check out this infographic to know why having a cloud-based solution such as Citrix ShareFile can help you:

  • Easily access data anytime, anywhere.
  • Store and bring digital files from home via mobile devices.
  • Perform e-discovery and litigation support more efficiently.

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Get on Your Way to a Secure Mobile Enterprise

This infographic shows the key points on the path to a secure mobile enterprise, and how holistic protection from IBM can help organizations move beyond device security and extend protection to sensitive content, applications and transactions.Request F…

More Performance, Please

This eBook is all about improving network performance. In it, we’ll take a quick look at the current state of the information-driven world and the growing demands on enterprise networks. Then you’ll learn about Equinix Performance Hub™ and the ways you can leverage it to optimize and future-proof your network. You’ll pick up some tips and trends along the way, and we’ll give you the opportunity to explore more links in each section, such as videos and analyst papers. So go ahead and dig in.

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Hybrid Cloud Myths

This CITO Research paper provides advice for managers about how to counter myths and misconceptions that have held back some organizations from hybrid cloud adoption.Request Free!

Vulnerability Management for Dummies, 2nd Edition

If you are responsible for network security, you need to understand how to prevent attacks by eliminating network weaknesses that leave your business exposed and at risk. Whether your network consists of just a handful of computers or thousands of servers distributed around the world, this newly revised, 6-part eBook will clearly help:

  • Explain the critical need for Vulnerability Management (VM)
  • Describe the essential steps of a successful VM Program
  • Outline solution options – including the pros & cons of each
  • Highlight the award-winning Qualys VM solution
  • Note the benefits of using automation to continuously monitor your network
  • Provide a 10-point checklist for removing vulnerabilities

Understanding these six parts can help you eliminate network weaknesses and prevent attacks on your network.

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