Constructing Your Road to the Cloud: Where SAP Customers Are Accelerating Their Transformations

Now, in 2019, ASUG and Syntax researched how cloud investments are changing among SAP customers and discovered a shift in spending from the private to the public cloud.

No Strategy, No Satisfaction

Our research in 2019 discovered cloud spending has increased, more organizations are continuously spending on the cloud, the public cloud is growing in popularity, and a cloud strategy is a vital component of success.

A detailed cloud strategy can make a big difference. We discovered in our research that the lack of a detailed cloud strategy has a direct impact on cloud satisfaction.

In this whitepaper, you’ll find:

  • A new finding in the 2019 survey: a lack of a detailed cloud strategy was a significant pain point for many organizations
  • Cloud investment is on the rise and most SAP customers are continuous cloud spenders
  • SAP customers are steadily moving from private to public cloud

As an SAP customer, you should read this whitepaper to learn what SAP users are doing to accelerate their cloud transformations.

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