Cultivating a Culture of Engagement for IT Service & Support in the Hybrid Workplace

Providing a positive employee experience and focusing on employee well-being are key focus areas in today’s new world of work. More than that, they’re critical to a company’s success. Yet incorporating these words into mission statements and meetings or distributing employee satisfaction surveys won’t magically create a healthy, happy, and productive work environment. In fact, these limited efforts can have the opposite effect – companies could lose top talent and leaders might not be able to engage their teams to grow and succeed.
It’s important to recognize how employee expectations have changed. They want to have choices about when and where they work. At the same time, they want to have the same sense of connectedness and community that they had when in the office. As a result, companies are faced with the challenges of:

  • Providing a digital experience that enables productively working from anywhere
  • Fostering successful communication and collaboration across a hybrid work environment
  • Growing employee, team and company loyalty
  • Effectively managing multi-generational and hybrid teams
  • Measuring sentiment and driving positive culture change and higher engagement.

Watch this session to learn proven methods to build an experience culture and effectively build high-performing, engaged, successful teams in this new world of work.

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