Digital Resilience: Technology Stocks Point Toward Recovery

As your clients look to you for answers in this rocky time, certain business models/sectors may offer the best ones. During this economic downturn, businesses that focus on e-commerce, digital payments, cloud services, and mobile technologies have demonstrated a unique form of resilience. This means, even as the broader economy tries to regain its footing, tech could continue to outperform other sectors and be a smart choice. 

Read this article now to learn more about technology trends and what the pandemic continues to teach us about the realities of contemporary economic activity. This includes:

  • Durable trends 
  • What growth has looked like for digital-first companies
  • Ways to measure company resilience 
  • How soon overall growth may begin for the larger market

Discover how you can discern the most attractive tech opportunities for your clients and make yourself a more valuable and trusted partner during this time of crisis.

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