Caring for Traveling Employees: Filling Gaps in Risk and Benefit Offerings

Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT
Cost: Complimentary

Sponsored by: Arch Insurance

The small to mid-sized employer market is underserved for Employee Accident insurance. New processes, like online platforms, now exist to help close this gap. What used to take hours or days of back and forth emails with clients to set up a policy of this sort, can now be accomplished in just minutes online. This efficiency can help agents and brokers effectively offer products to their clients, and in turn will increase agency revenue as well as increase client retention. Attendees will walk away with an understanding of what an employer should consider when evaluating Employee Accident insurance – including benefits and coverages available for employee travel (from local to international), to full occupational and commutation.

Join this complimentary webcast to dive into the ins and outs of Employee Accident insurance. You’ll learn how to:

  • Evaluate the benefits of employee accident insurance, and how it can complement other types of insurance to fill in gaps in coverage for your employer clients
  • Position employee accident insurance in a pitch to your clients and marketing that’s available to help you
  • Preview technology that will increase efficiency in quoting and selling employee accident plans
  • And more!



Jim Villa | Senior Vice President of Strategy and Distribution | Arch Insurance, Accident & Health
Jamie Landsman | Vice President, Product Innovation & Strategy | Arch Insurance, Accident & Health
Rebecca Raisley | Vice President of Distribution | Arch Insurance, Accident & Health


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