In times of constant and accelerated change, HR leaders must prepare today for the growing expectations of the workforce. With unemployment now at 4.1 percent, the war to attract, engage and retain employees is a growing concern for business leaders. Forward-thinking human resources leaders are no longer satisfied with just managing HR processes and monitoring employee effectiveness: They understand the power of creating compelling experiences to engage employees and develop talent.
That’s why some chief human resource officers and chief talent officers are applying a range of product design tools—from design thinking and employee-journey mapping to HR hackathons—to uncover employee needs with the same rigor companies use to uncover customer needs. Their goal is to create a holistic and seamless employee experience mirroring a company’s best customer experience.
Jeanne Meister, co-author of The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop and Keep Employees and The Future Workplace Experience: 10 Rules For Mastering Disruption in Recruiting and Engaging Employees, will share why and how a growing number of organizations are creating a new HR role, head of employee experience, to create employee experiences that are on par with their customer experiences. Jeanne will answer the following three questions in this highly engaging webinar:
- What’s the difference between employee engagement and employee experience?
- What are the five levers to create a compelling employee experience and what are some company use cases?
- What design tools can HR leaders borrow from customer-experience management to enhance the employee experience?As a bonus for attending, participants will receive a free executive book summary of The Future Workplace Experience.