How Charitable Donation Accounts Maximize Community Support and Increase Net Interest Margins

Date: Thursday, September 14, 2023

Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT

Sponsored by: Elite Capital


Are you looking for innovative ways to amplify your CU’s charitable efforts and leave a lasting impact on your community? Making substantial charitable contributions without sacrificing your operating income can be a daunting task. That’s where Charitable Donation Accounts (CDAs) come in. By leveraging investment earnings, you can make a real impact on the causes that matter most, while still potentially enjoying higher investment returns for your credit union.


Join this webcast to gain invaluable insights into how CDAs can help your CU significantly increase your charitable footprint throughout the communities you serve, without denting your operating income. Discover the charitable opportunity where everyone wins – your credit union, your charities, and your communities.


You will learn: 


  • The potential of CDAs and how they can amplify your community impact.
  • Step-by-step guidance on establishing a CDA, ensuring a seamless and efficient implementation process.
  • The benefits that CDAs bring to both your credit union and the communities you serve.
  • Expert insights into optimizing investment allocations within your CDA for maximum returns.
  • How to reduce or eliminate income statement volatility by utilizing individual securities versus ETFs (exchange traded funds).



Matthew Butler, ChFC | Founder and Managing Principal | Elite Capital Management Group

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