How Corporate Cash Management Is Evolving

Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT

Sponsored by: Bellin

How are companies’ decisions around management of cash reserves and repatriation being affected by geopolitical issues, by changing capex or debt levels, by impending M&A activity, and by fluctuations in operating cash flows around the world? And what do corporate treasurers expect cash management to look like in 2020?

This webcast will review results from the Treasury & Risk “2019 Cash Management Survey,” and a panel of treasury thought leaders will discuss best practices and trends in global cash management. Attendees will get a look at how companies’ cash reserves are changing, globally and in certain geographic regions, and how companies are making decisions around cash and short-term investments.

Join this webcast and you’ll learn:

  • How companies like yours are increasing, or reducing, cash reserves in response to specific external factors.
  • What criteria other companies are using to determine priorities for corporate cash and short-term investments. Which information can serve as a benchmark for decisions around corporate cash and short-term investments in the year ahead.
  • Benchmark data for making your own decisions around managing corporate cash and short-term investments in the year ahead.


Stephen Fowler | Director, Liquidity & Investment Management | Corning

Craig Jeffery | Managing Partner | Strategic Treasurer

Hung Nguyen | Director, Sales North America | BELLIN

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