How Creative Innovation Drives Audience Attention and Effectiveness in a Post-ID World

For most advertisers, targeting, creative, messaging, and optimization are key to effective campaigns. Depending on their KPIs, there are various ways advertisers can measure ad effectiveness.

Audience Attention has emerged as one of the more popular measures in recent years. It has found favor because it better correlates with lower funnel metrics, compared to viewability, IVT, and other metrics. It also helps avoid several contemporary challenges that make ad effectiveness more elusive than before. For instance, saturated screens, audience avoidance of ads, loss of IDs, and shrinking budgets.

But today, capturing Attention at scale is more challenging than ever. Thanks to changing privacy regulations and consumer preferences, the power of data-led ad tech to fuel attention-grabbing targeting and personalization is diminishing. In fact, 80% of C-level marketers are experiencing a decline in campaign effectiveness as a result of ID loss.

What’s more, Attention itself needs to be more closely correlated with Memorability, which is what really matters for ad effectiveness. It tells us how effective Attention is at sticking with the consumer and impacting behavior.

Advertisers need new ways to capture audience Attention, amplify Memorability, and continue to meet ad effectiveness goals.

In this paper, you will learn:

Why creative innovation is the solution to our audience Attention challenge

How you can quantify the impact of creative formats on ad effectiveness

Which measures of actual consumer impact are critical to track beyond just Attention

What conclusive evidence and benchmarks support creative optimization as the path to stand-out ad effectiveness

Who can help you harness the power of creative tech to immediately impact audience Attention and Memorability and amplify ad effectiveness

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