How Technology Can Support Fair Chance Hiring

Second Chance Month, a concept launched in April of 2017, by the nonprofit organization Prison Fellowship, which works to help those impacted by incarceration. Since then, it has become a nationwide movement with The White House issuing a proclamation each year acknowledging such. This year, President Biden’s statement on the commemoration acknowledged a recommitment “to helping people forge the new beginnings they have earned and building a safer and more just society.”

April also marks the anniversary of the federal Second Chance Act. This Act was signed into law in 2008 and reauthorized in 2018 to support state, local, and tribal governments and nonprofit organizations by authorizing federal grants for vital programs and systems reform aimed at improving the reentry process.

Checkr acknowledges many are not given a first chance, let alone a fair chance, when facing legal barriers and significant stigma as they re-enter the workforce. We believe that all individuals deserve a fair chance to contribute positively to society and fair chances should not be limited to the number of mistakes that you have made in the past. Learn how to lower the barrier, not the bar for future employees.

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