How to Achieve Rapid and Sensitive Biomarker Analysis

Biomarker research has accelerated in recent years, driving the development of novel biomarker candidates and panels for the study of a wide range of diseases. But with this comes additional challenges in the analysis of multi-biomarkers. As the development of Cell and Gene Therapies and Biotherapeutics continues to accelerate, the need for more rapid and sensitive biomarker analysis only increases.

From eliminating matrix interference to ensuring panel flexibility with well-optimized and individually tailored assays — our Gyroplex panels combined with Gyrolab Bioaffy 4000 enhance and optimize the biomarker analysis process.

In this application note, we dive into the advantages of using Gyrolab Bioaffy CDs and how they impact the biomarker analysis process, from extended immunoassay sensitivity, to greater flexibility during the development of biomarker panels. 

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